
Thursday, December 19, 2019

Thank you Lily for the encouraging words! Lily donated to our GoFundMe campaign and you can too!
Help us make our goal by Wednesday May 20th! Donate at

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Daniel speaks out about why he donated to Uhuru Furniture's GoFundMe and why it is so important to support Uhuru Furniture, especially right now during COVID19.
Thank you to all you generous supporters out there who have donated so far! You can be part of the success of Uhuru Furniture too.
Donate to our GoFundMe at by Wednesday 20th!
Su-Tchas tells us why she loves Uhuru Furniture and why its survival is so important to the community!
If you love Uhuru too and want it to reopen strong, donate to our GoFundMe at

Thank you Cavin for all you have brought to Uhuru Furniture - Oakland, as the Operations Coordinator, finding places to put all that furniture in there! We look forward to reopening soon!

If you want to help Uhuru Furniture reopen strong and able to bring the whole staff back as soon as possible, donate to our GoFundMe at For regular updates check our website daily!

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Thank you Noah for your support for Uhuru Furniture!

We have raised $10,400 out of our goal of $12,000! Thank you everybody who has contributed. Help us get to $12,000 today by donating at

African self-determination and economic self-reliance is so important, now more than ever! The black community is hardest hit by this pandemic and is being devastated economically. Uhuru Furniture is a beacon of hope and is part of a concrete solution!

Monday, December 16, 2019

May 13 marks the 35th Anniversary of the 1985 bombing of the MOVE organization and the black community by the city of Philadelphia that killed 11 people including 5 children and burned down over 60 houses.

That is why the Uhuru Movement and the African People’s Education and Defense Fund (APEDF) came to Philadelphia to organize in defense of the human and civil rights of the African community.

That is also part of the hidden history of Philadelphia, which has the highest rate of poverty, imprisonment, hunger and early death of any major US city. Philadelphia owes an apology and Reparations to the MOVE organization and the black community that has experienced decades of deep poverty, substandard schools, and police violence.

APEDF’s mission is to end these grave disparities, tell the true history and build programs for health, education and economic self-determination in the hands of the African community.
Thank you Isra, UFC social media intern for all that you do! Be like Isra! Volunteer, shop and donate to our GoFundMe at! Help us reach our goal by Wednesday May 20th!
Uhuru Furniture stores, open since 1989, provide top quality, low priced furniture, jobs, job training, volunteer opportunities and show the way forward to economic self-reliance by and for the black community.
You can donate and help us make our goal by May 20th. Go to our GoFundMe at
Wendy speaks to why Uhuru Furniture is important to her! Thank you! We love you Wendy!
You can donate to our GoFundMe too at
Karen Smith percussionist, playwright and poet speaks about her love for Uhuru Furniture!

Join Karen in donating to our GoFundMe campaign at

Black people are more than four times more likely to die from Covid-19 than white people!

Article in the Guardian UK exposes: "... the difference in the virus’s impact was caused not only by pre-existing differences in communities’ wealth, health, education and living arrangements...after taking into account age, measures of self-reported health and disability and other socio-demographic characteristics, black people were still almost twice as likely as white people to die a Covid-19-related death."

The need for African community control over our own health, economics and lives, is more important than ever! Donate to our APEDF economic development institution, Uhuru Furniture GoFundMe campaign at

Click the image above for the full article.
Thank you to all who attended our webinar on Giving Tuesday May 5th and to all who donated to our GoFundMe!
You can view the 1 hr webinar below:

Black Power Blueprint project has been 100 percent people powered!

Interview with contractor Eric Lagrone
Describing the electrical work for the outdoor venue of the Black Power Blueprint project. We are reclaiming our skills, our labor power, and our artistry to go back into our community.
Click here to watch the full interview

How to access resources from the U.S. government.

African people are disproportionately affected by this pandemic, both in numbers of infected, numbers of deaths and as usual, in access to any of the shamefully inadequate resources being offered to the general population by the U.S. Govt. Here is a starting place for people to get something to survive on, while APEDF continues to build an independent African economy.

Support and Defend Uhuru Furniture Not the Banks and Wall Street!

A live web show featuring Ona Zené Yeshitela, the president of APEDF, along with testimonies from staff and supporters on why it's so important to support a liberated African economy and institutions like Uhuru Furniture that serve the needs of the people.
We are calling on your support! Donate to our GoFundMe at!

Black Ankh: Ask the Doctor Series

Our sister non-profit the All African People's Development and Empowerment Project hosted its first live Ask the Doctor Series featuring Dr. Loretta King, who has over 30 years of nursing experience and is a member of the Black Ankh Medical Advisory Team.
AAPDEP brings together African doctors to provide much needed health resources to the African community.

The Reparations Report - People's War Against Coronavirus

APEDF Board President Ona Zené Yeshitela gives a report on the state of the Uhuru Furniture stores at 24:51

In St. Louis, the virus is infecting black people at four times the rate that it infects white people

Black people also account for all COVID-19-related deaths.
AAPDEP and APEDF are defending the African community with health and financial relief in addition to our ongoing African community economic development institutions.
Support Uhuru Furniture by donating here!
HELP US RAISE our GoFundMe goal by Wednesday 5/20!
We miss our staff and can't wait to reopen!
Support Uhuru Furniture so we can reopen stronger than ever.
Donate to our GoFundMe at!

Stay tuned! We received a truckload of NEW gorgeous hand painted Mexican pottery! Vases of all sizes, platters, plates plus multiple sizes and designs of wall tiles! They will be available once we open up again...

APEDF President Ona Zené Yeshitela on defending and supporting Uhuru Furniture

"Our first priority is the safety of our people. This is why we shut down all of our institutions...we intend on coming out, of course, stronger than we were before this crisis hit. Our tagline, “The Baddest Non-Profit on the Planet,” is something that we fight for all the time and we’re asking people to join us in this fight. I don’t know how many times this country has dealt with bailing out the banks, the airlines, Wall Street and all these major corporations. We are demanding that the government bail out and make African-owned small businesses their first priority in the communities around the world." - The Burning Spear newspaper. 

You can support Uhuru Furniture store by donating at!

Cuban Trained Dr. - Pandemic Response in her Bronx Community

Check out this article on Dr. Barber. Here is a quote, "One of the biggest ideas that came from the Cuban Revolution was that everyone, as a human right, should have access to healthcare and should have access to education."

Quote of the Day:

“I am honored to be able to donate to what I deem a renowned organization for the people! I would love to see more people of like minded sentiments donate to this organization which is not just wanted, it is needed!”

Our deepest appreciation goes out to Aminata Saundra Calhoun for her ongoing support for Uhuru Furniture! Be like Aminata and support African self-determination by donating to

BREAKING: A simple finger device could save your life

"COVID-19 is disproportionately striking African and Spanish-speaking people around the country and in New York City, African people are twice as likely to die from the virus than white people, according to an ABC news report on April 17."

Uhuru Furniture is part of APEDF's mission to change this reality by creating African self-determination programs that bring collective solutions to health and health care for black community!

Show your support for African self-reliance by donating to our GoFundMe at

Support Uhuru Furniture, a black community economic development, non-profit, small business! NOT the banks, Wall Street, Hedge funds and big corporations!

Donate to our GoFundMe at

Uhuru Furniture's Giving Tuesday webinar was a huge success!

Thank you everyone who attended our webinar yesterday featuring president Ona Zené Yeshitela! It was a huge success and we want to give a special thank you for those who donated to our GoFundMe! View the 1 hr webinar here

We are now only $1,600 away from reaching $10,000 out of our $25,000 goal! Help us get to $10,000 and donate at!

Thank You!

Thank you so much to everyone who has donated to our GoFundMe campaign! We have raised over $6,000 toward our $25,000 goal!

The overwhelming love and support from the community to defend Uhuru Furniture as an African-led economic, self-determination institution fighting for the human and civil rights of the black community while we are temporarily closed, shows that we are more than just a furniture store. We truly belong to the people and this institution is your institution!

We know that with the help of our supporters like you, we will make it through this period stronger than ever!

We want to thank Cota for her recent donation to our GoFundMe! As a part of our store team in Philadelphia, we deeply appreciate all that you contribute to Uhuru Furniture!

Be like Cota and support African self-determination by donating to!

We're going live TODAY!

Tune in and watch via Zoom at 3 pm PST / 6 pm EST and hear from our APEDF president Ona Zené Yeshitela and from Uhuru Furniture store staff and supporters!

Register here for the Zoom info:

Thanks to you...

With your help we have raised over $6,500 toward our $25,000 Go Fund Me goal in the first 12 days!

Uhuru Furniture is a small business, a non-profit PLUS it is African worker owned! We need to fight for our survival, knowing that big businesses have gobbled up the stimulus money that was supposed to go to organizations and business like us!

With your support, we will make it! Donate to our GoFundMe today at!

Black people have the highest rate of death from all cancers

"Black people have the highest rate of death from all cancers as well as from unintentional injury compared to anyone else in Alameda County, CA according to the Alameda County Health Data Profile. These conditions are generally accepted as normal." quote from The Burning Spear newspaper

Uhuru Furniture, a project of APEDF is changing that, creating a new 'normal' by participating in building an independent African economy! 

If you want to participate too, donate to our 'Support Uhuru Furniture' GoFundMe campaign

Tips for Grocery Shopping and Handling During a Pandemic

Our sister non-profit, AAPDEP, has great tips on how to keep yourself safe during COVID-19 when shopping for groceries and other essential items. Click here to read more about some strategies to consider before you leave home, while shopping, and when you return home.

The People's War Against Coronavirus Bringing Hope to the Philadelphia African Community

The People’s War strategy is and letting the people know that they are not forgotten and they are invited to join #ThePeoplesWar against Coronavirus!
Click the image above to read more

During this time when we are all facing grave health and economic threats from the coronavirus epidemic, we want you to know that the Black Power Blueprint and the Uhuru Movement are here for you.
As always the well-being of our community is first and foremost and we hope all of you are taking care of yourselves and your family as best as possible.
We will never stop upholding our commitment to organize to win political and economic power in the hands of the African working class.
We thank all of you who have made literally thousands of donations to the Black Power Blueprint and all our projects with contributions large and small.
Your continued support will put us a long way towards completing our planned projects this year.
You can donate at
During these hard times we continue to fly the giant Red, Black and Green flag across the street from the Uhuru House here in St. Louis as a much-loved, unifying symbol of pride to our people and our struggle for liberation.
We will weather this storm, another bump on the road to African freedom and self-determination.
This is what the Black Power Blueprint and all the institutions and campaigns of the Uhuru Movement are all about.
Though we are now forced to postpone our May 2 date for the launch of our One Africa! One Nation! Marketplace in St. Louis, we will have a vibrant market at the soonest possible time, bringing vendors, culture, produce and economic life to the corner of W. Florissant and Alice Ave. in North St. Louis.
With your support we will be able to get back to work as quickly as possible to complete all planned projects of the Black Power Blueprint for 2020 and to reopen the many other black self-determination institutions that have been impacted by the epidemic.
We are excited to get rolling on our upcoming projects this year:
   • Planting and landscaping at the Gary Brooks Community Garden
   • Holding the One Africa! One Nation! Marketplace in St. Louis
   • Building the outdoor basketball court at W. Florissant and College     Ave.
   • Constructing our Uhuru Jiko Bakery and Cafe on Goodfellow Blvd.
   • Launching the African Independence Workforce Program for
   those re-entering our community from the colonial prison system
Thanks to your support the Black Power Blueprint programs are already making a profound positive impact in St. Louis and around the world.
On our website you can watch powerful videos of several community members who talk about what the Black Power Blueprint means to them.
Our sister organization, the All African People’s Development and Empowerment Project (AAPDEP), has laid out important information about how to take care of your family and yourself during this time.
AAPDEP is also building Project Black Ankh as our own emergency response system to go into our black communities during times of crisis.
Again, the Black Power Blueprint and all of our related projects will be back up and running as soon as possible, dedicated to transforming our community with your support!
Together we can win. We are winning!